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R, a young girl of 10, started having migraines every month mid cycle. Now she has no migraines.R, was a young girl of 10 when she started coming to me. She had started her periods at the age of 9 and had a migraine, mid cycle, every month, although the first time she came it was a stiff neck that made her mother bring her to me. It was only when we were talking that the mother mentioned that she was having migraines. After a little bit of probing it became apparent that these were happening on a monthly basis but more mid cycle than with menstruation. She was also getting what she called "little headaches" several times a day -
I worked on her neck to release the muscles and saw her on a weekly basis. I also worked on her hormonal system and after a month the migraines stopped. She was still getting the little headaches though. The periods were getting less heavy and the pain became more manageable. She started feeling nauseous and dizzy around menstruation time.
The eye pains and little headaches proved to be a bit more stubborn but started working on her digestive system and these started to lessen. Persuaded her to try giving up chocolate and this had a wonderful effect. Then we cut out dairy and now the eye pains and little headaches have disappeared. Still see her on a two monthly basis just t keep an eye on her.
by Gill Bowers, 21/11/2009
Chronic headaches had been troubling G for 2 years. She had a fusion of C2,3,4 15 years ago.
G was a 38 year old woman who suffered from headaches for 2 years. Had the headaches very frequently and rarely went more than 3 days without one. She also suffered from asthma and was on entitling and seratide inhalers. She was also taking antidepressants and had been for a year. She had had a car accident 15 years ago and had a fusion of C2,3 and 4. This hadn't worked and the next year she had a bone fusion with bone taken from her leg. She had had another car accident the day before she came to see me, although not too serious. When she came she was getting pins and needles in her hands, had a really bad headache and was feeling tired. She was also a little bit emotional over the car accident. I treated her neck and shoulder blades with a gentle bodywork session. After the first treatment she had a really bad headache and her shoulders were still very tight. The pins and needles had gone. I worked on her neck and shoulders again and after that treatment she had been 6 days without a headache and although still stiff the shoulders had eased considerably.
I worked again on her neck and shoulders and she went for three weeks without a headache but developed a very chesty cough. Worked on chest as well as shoulders and suggested steam inhalations for the cough. After her last treatment G was fine, no headaches and the shoulders were free. The cough had eased too.
By Gill Bowers, 21/11/2009
J had a flu type virus and after three months was still very weak, with no energy. After being treated with Polarity she has bounced back to health.J had had a really nasty virus in November. She had suffered temporary paralysis down her left side with it. She came to see me the beginning of March. A mum with two young children she had to rely on them and her husband to do everything as she had no energy at all. Just getting out of bed and down the stairs wore her out. Her brain didn't work (her words), her words got muddled. She had dark smudges under her eyes. Slept a lot but was always exhausted. She also suffered from chest pains but an ECG through the doctor had shown up no problems. Her main problem now was a complete lack of energy. She sleeps 12 hours a night but can't get out of bed and wakes up tired. I gave her a breathing exercise to do which would help her sleep more deeply. The bodywork was kept to 30 minutes maximum as any more tended to wipe her out for several days.
I worked gently on her fire energy for several sessions, building it up. She used the breathing exercises and started to sleep better, waking up feeling more refreshed. She started t be able to do a few things in the home, but I insisted that she rested up for and hour every afternoon and did it without feeling guilty or thinking of things that needed doing. I wanted her to rest before she started to feel shattered which meant that all the energy had been used up. I suggested that she do her breathing exercises while resting. I saw her on a weekly basis, keeping the bodywork to 30 minutes maximum, but spent more time talking to her and trying to get her thoughts to be more positive. We also talked about the need to say "No" when people asked her to do things for them, not to overwork herself when she was better. By May she was driving again, working two days a week, and learning to listen to her body. She was , in her words, doing lots. The immune system was still a bit low and she picked up colds too often. We worked on her diet and built up her immune system and she was very good at working with me.
She is now back at work properly and running around with high energy, but also now listens to her body and rests when she feels the need. I still see her on a two monthly basis just to keep her topped up.
by Gill Bowers , 21/11/2009
E, 95 years old, had fallen down and hurt her coccyx.Having had a tumble in her home E was in a lot of pain with her coccyx. Being unable to move much due to the fall and the arthritis that she suffered from, sitting was very painful too. I did the coccyx treatment on her but normally would do it on someone lying face down on my couch. E couldn't lie down so I had to treat her sitting in her chair. This made it fairly difficult for me but I did the best I could in the circumstances. After the treatment most of the pain had gone and E could sit much more comfortably.
By Gill Bowers , 2/4/2010
Feeling tired and low, unable to work, S found Polarity helped her a lot. S was 45 years old when she came to me. She worked as a teacher but had been off work for 4 weeks with stress. She was sleeping badly, waking at 3 am most days. She was on antidepressants, was very emotional and couldn't cope with life. She felt it was an accumulation of things that had brought on the stress. Work related and home related -
I gave her some breathing exercises which altered her sleeping pattern enabling her to sleep more deeply and wake up feeling more refreshed.
The first treatment I worked on her water energy and grounding her. I saw her again two weeks later and she was feeling fairly good although she had had a panic attack a few days before.
I then worked on her umbilical energy and did a chakra balance. Two weeks later she was feeling much more positive. She was sleeping better and found she had more energy in the daytime. Over the next three treatments I worked on her diaphragm and her fire and sympathetic nervous system. She was then getting ready to go back to work in the new term. She was quite excited about it and full of ideas of what she was going to do.
She went back to work and although a little nervous she was fine. Her school had organised some counselling for her which she was having. She had started running again and was coping with her life.
by Gill Bowers , 24/11/2009
Jarring his knee while walking, Polarity helped him to walk easily again.L, a young man of 30 had been out on the moors walking when he jarred his knee on the rough ground. HIs lower leg ached and his knee was very painful. He had trouble putting weight on it and it was fairly swollen. He found it less painful if he kept moving it, it was worse for resting.
I just saw him the once as he didn't live near me but was visiting his parents. I did some general polarising work on his knee and lower leg and helped the energy to move through the area.
His knee was less painful when he left and I heard through his parents that he had no problem with it afterwards.
by Gill Bowers, 24/11/2009
H suffered from panic attacks after a car accident and hadn't been able to work for 2 months. She wasn't sleeping very well and had no energy.
I treated her with Polarity and she is back at work. H is a 45 year old woman with three grown up children. She had an operation on her neck in 1988 and had a lump taken out. She had to have another operation soon after to sort out the discs and they fused the bones of her neck. She suffers from IBS and has a stressful job which she loves. She had a car crash two months before and her confidence had crashed and she was having panic attacks and palpitations. Her energy was very low and she slept badly. She had to take beta blockers to enable her to drive and function. She had also had some recent close family bereavements. Her parents had separated when she was three and her mother moved them back to Belfast to live.
She came with a stiff neck to start off with and she had lower back pain. I did some structural work on her with specific work on the neck. She felt brighter and had no back pain and the neck felt free. She was sleeping better and her energy had improved. She was also seeing a counsellor while receiving treatment from me. She started getting palpitations and having panic attacks more frequently and for no apparent reason. She had some stressful weeks with her family and felt restless and anxious. I gave her breathing exercises to do to help the anxiety. After about 6 treatments where I worked on her autonomic nervous system and her diaphragm, breathing and chest she started to feel better and was doing more. She was up and down emotionally for the next few sessions and a lot of emotional stuff and fears started to show themselves. We spent much time talking about her life and problems. She felt she was not in control and was going crazy. She had a problem swallowing, felt like she was being choked and kept getting very emotional. We used several visualisation techniques to try and understand what was happening with her.
Then she started getting memories of her childhood in Belfast, of the Troubles over there. She talked about all the things that had happened to her as a small child, things that she had suppressed. She was very emotional and very angry. After talking for some time I did some body work on her and was just balancing the body when she started to shake. She said it felt like it was travelling up her body into her throat. Then she started laughing uncontrollably for about 15 minutes. She felt exhausted after treatment.
The next time she came which was only a week later, she had returned to work and was busy catching up with everything in the house. Her energy was bursting out of her. She said she felt like her old self but different -
I am still seeing her on a regular basis but she is so much better it is
By Gill Bowers, 21/11/2009
Depression stopped C from being able to work for over 10 years. Now, after Polarity she is working again.
C was a 41 year old woman who came suffering from depression. She had been unable to hold down a job for over 10 years. She was a single mother whose children were teenagers. She had no self confidence and her self esteem was very low. She had very low energy and no motivation or get up and go. She was taking Prozac and Ibuprofen. She also suffered a lot with back pain. She had a very analytical mind and thought everything through to the point that she never did anything. Her brain always active and she was very negative about everything. Over the next six months we worked on getting her to think more positively, to readdress negative thought patterns. I spent much time listening to her, supporting her emotionally and used bodywork to balance the energies. This gave her the confidence to start up her own small business with a friend and then she took on voluntary work with a charity that helped depressives. After a few months she started taking on paid work with the charity. This was a big step forward for her as she had to give up the financial help from state benefits and be responsible for making ends meet. She dipped a little in this time, but with help and understanding she is now working. I still see her on a monthly basis to give the support that she feels that she still needs, but she is doing really well.
By Gill Bowers, 21/11/2009
Doubled over with sciatica when he came in, he walked out upright. F was a young dad who developed sciatica. He had had it for about 4 days when he came to see me and had been off work for all of that time. When he came in he was doubled over and couldn't put his foot on the ground. He was taking painkillers and anti-
I worked first to release the ‘Psoas’ muscle and then to release the muscles in his buttocks as it is often these muscles that squeeze the sciatic nerve and make it painful. He walked out standing up straight and putting his foot on the floor, although he still had some discomfort.
I saw him again just a few days later. He said that all the pain had gone but that he had pins and needles down the leg and into the calf muscle.
I worked again on the same muscles, releasing them fully and also moved the energy down his leg. After that he was fine and went back to work.
by Gill Bowers, 24/11/2009
Getting very hot and bothered, Client turns to Polarity to try and cool the system down.
A 55 year old woman came suffering from hot flushes. They were happening several times a day and were becoming debilitating, tiring her out and making life very uncomfortable.
I worked on her hormonal system for a couple of sessions and the hot flushes seemed to ease considerably.
I then worked on her water oval and her air element and the hot flushes seemed to ease completely.
She reported then that she felt that she was warmer generally, feeling the heat more. So, I worked on her for three more treatments and she reported that the the hot flushes had gone and the feeling of being warmer had settled down.
By Gill Bowers, 24/11/2009
G hurt his lower back carrying bags at an awkward angle.
Two treatments and he was fine.
G, 43 and an archaeologist, hurt his back carrying a 8kg bag under scaffold on site. He felt a twinge when it happened and then later his back locked up and he was in a lot of pain. The pain was more on his right side than his left. It hurt him to move and was very uncomfortable even when being still.
The first treatment I worked to loosen the tight muscles in his back and to ease the acute pain. I worked on the Psoas, Piriformis and Perineal muscles which releases all the lower back muscles. When he came back for his second treatment his back was feeling very stiff and ached a little. He said his neck had been stiff too after the first treatment and he had a soreness in his lower chest.
In the second treatment I did a structural balance. On the footboard his body was rotating to the left with a lot of lower thoracic and lumbar tension.
After the structural balance all symptoms had disappeared.
By Gill Bowers , 24/11/2009
F came to me with a painful shoulder. To lift his arm above his head was too painful and he found it hard to move arm across chest or behind his back too. On the first treatment I worked on his shoulders and his shoulder joint. After the treatment he had more movement and the the pain had lessened. When he came for the second one he told me that it had been good for a couple of days and then it came back jut as bad as it had been before. I decided to do a structural balance on him and got him to stand on the footboard so that I could check his posture. He had quite a twist in his back with the pelvis being out too. I did the structural balance. When he came for the next treatment I asked him how we was and he said "It's like magic, look" and lifted his arm above his head. He had a little bit of discomfort still but the pain had gone and he had full movement back. I did some more work on him and sent him on his way.
By Gill Bowers, 2/4/2010
Shoulder and neck problems eased with polarity
A 54 year old woman who was a regular client came with a problem with her neck, chest and back. She worked as a cashier in a supermarket and someone in the queue behind her flung their shoulder bag back and over their shoulder and hit my client in the middle of the shoulders, between and slightly higher than the shoulder blades. She said it felt like "it had all been knocked forward". Apart from the constant pain she was in she was also having trouble breathing.
I worked mostly on the neck and the spine both of which were very tender.
After one treatment the constant pain had gone but she was still suffering from some discomfort between the shoulder blades and the right shoulder was aching too. I worked on her shoulder blades and her neck again and did some work on the one spot where it was particularly sore.
After that she was fine. No pain in the shoulders or neck and her breathing was back to normal.
by Gill Bowers , 21/11/2009
P a pre-
She was getting a stinging, burning pain in the armpit which then travelled along to her breast all on the left side. I worked generally on the chest and armpit trying to get some energy moving through it. I saw her again about a week later.
Her chest was feeling tight but was feeling more serene in herself. The armpit was still tender and it hurt on the inside of her arm too.
I worked with the umbilical energy mostly but still worked on the chest and armpit for the next two treatments by which time all the pain had gone.
It came back a little bit when she was really stressed, but not as bad as it had been.
by Gill Bowers , 23/11/2009
A 43 year old woman had been suffering for 9 years, struggling against an overwhelming tiredness. She ached on the surface of her skin and had deep pain all over her body but especially in her legs. She said the tiredness came over her suddenly and she felt she had to close her eyes and sleep. Her head was not very clear, it felt like it was stuffed with cotton wool. Her doctor had tested her for diabetes, thyroid and Limes disease and all were negative. She had seen a specialist two months before she came to me who diagnosed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. He wanted her to take antidepressants but she wasn't keen. The first treatment was a general balance of the energies. I also gave her breathing exercises to do as these have been shown to reduce aches in the legs. After the first treatment she felt really good for a few days and then the aches and pains returned. Treatment carried on over a period of time on a weekly basis. I also gave her "permission" to rest in the afternoons and suggested that she did the breathing exercises while she rested. I insisted that she was not allowed to worry about anything that needed doing and that it could wait.
I worked mostly on her fire energy and the autonomic nervous system over the next few sessions. The breathing exercises help her to sleep better and the pains in the legs eased considerably. Her energy levels rose really well and so we changed the treatments to monthly.
Her energy levels stayed up apart from the odd occasion when she either over did it and didn't listen to her body telling her to rest. The legs still ached if she walked too far especially over rough ground, but she found they eased off if she then rested. She started playing golf again and needed to rest after 18 holes.
I still see her regularly 6 weekly and she comes for her "top up" but she is generally well and full of energy. She plays 18 holes without too much trouble.
by Gill Bowers , 24/11/2009
Client Case Studies