The UK Polarity Therapy Association
The Session
A deeply relaxing space is created from which the body has an opportunity to re-balance. The manipulations are extremely gentle and yet the benefits can be far reaching. Working lightly on the body through light comfortable clothing of natural fibres.
Many clients come with a variety of symptoms, although we listen to the client regarding symptoms, we are not treating these, we are treating the whole person and will take into consideration all levels of the whole person.
Polarity Therapy is a very effective form of treatment which is increasingly sought after, as people look to complementary and more holistic approaches to ill health.

A Polarity Practitioner always deals with the whole person - mentally, emotionally and physically - and gently assists your body to heal itself naturally.
Three modes of touch: Stimulating, Light and Deep
Knee or Joint issues
If you find yourself with a joint problem, the Polarity will work with all your energy flows to assist healing, which can and does happen on many levels.
Stiff neck / Shoulder Tension
The tension in most people falls on the shoulders and neck, making for stiffness, pain, headaches, migraine and immobile joints, like frozen shoulder, Polarity can assist to aid the flow of your natural energy to release blocks, relieve pain, and we can offer ways of reducing any stress in you current life, change will happen.
Anxiety/Panic Attacks
We may have personally experienced these, many times, when the power of Anxiety has stopped us from going places, even into work, what is happening here is simply a blockage of energy perceived as a panic situation and anxiety, a Polarity session will relax your body and re-balance the elemental energies that will help you live a normal healthy life.
Stomach Pain and IBS
Eating disorders can give rise to broken sleep patterns and tiredness can add to stress in our lives, stress can block the energy flow within the body that keeps the Stomach and bowels working, starting to allow your body to relax allows the energy to flow, also this flow of energy allows the autonomic Nervous system to carry of the normal body functions - breathing , Heart Rate, Digestion in a natural and neutral way, resolving the Polarity Energy flow within allows the natural joy and happiness out.
A series Polarity Treatments can be the answer.
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